Monday, August 2, 2010

Gingered Carrot Cookies

This week the Tuesdays with Dorie group is making cookies, Gingered Carrot Cookies that is and they were the pick of Natalie of gatti fili e farina. I have never made carrot cookies so I was excited to make these. These cookies have a really thick batter. There are more add ins than batter when you are finished mixing up the dough. I was really surprised with the way these cookies baked. They didn't spread very much and where very light and slightly crunchy. The verdict - they were a hit in my house.


Welcome to our crazy blessed life said...

Glad these were a hit in your house! :) I handed them off to a pregnant friend.

Tia said...

they were a hit here too. nice job!

Flourchild said...

I love cookies too! Im glad they were a hit in your house! Everyone over here loved them.

Cindy said...

We loved them. I used chopped dates.

Jessica of My Baking Heart said...

Not a favorite of mine, but they weren't horrible either! :) So glad you liked them!

natalia said...

Ciao Sharon ! Thank you for joining me this week ! I'm glad you liked them, I love your photos !

TeaLady said...

Glad they were a hit. Even better with frosting.

Paula said...

Count me in as a lover of these cookies. Your's look delicious.

Nicole said...

I liked these too, although they were different that expected. Yous look great!

Becky @ Project Domestication said...

i've tasted many a carrot cookie but never made one until this week. thanks to twd. yours look great. glad everyone liked 'em.

Amber Marie said...

These look great - and so full of all the great add-ins! Glad you enjoyed.